And FINALLY! We’ve been bursting to show it to you all! Don’t forget to wishlist!

Steam Page

IGN article

Official Website

It’s been 3 years since the initial release of Eastshade. Time has flown! Jaclyn moved on to our new game soon after release, but I didn’t officially move off Eastshade until September 2020, about 1.5 years after its initial release (patches, porting, admin, ugh!). Jaclyn played a massive role in the development of Eastshade on nearly every level, but Eastshade was my baby, my dream. Songs of Glimmerwick is Jaclyn’s! She is helming the design, writing, and art, and I do programming/technical direction and some design/writing.

The game looks different from anything we’ve done (perhaps different than any game I’ve ever seen period?), which is hugely exciting! Despite its different appearances, I think people will feel our distinct life force in the game, particularly in our commitment to building a sense of place, explored through non-combat mechanics, which is the mission statement for our studio after all! We are so excited to be able to talk about it. And I am personally excited to get back to streaming on twitch!